Wednesday, February 25, 2009


since amir n irfan came to my life, thing that's frighten me the most is they getting sick!!!

started with amir had jaundice as young as 3 days old. he weighted just 2.55 kg when he was born. babies eho are below 3 kg can easily get jaundice.
he has to be warded n make me confused n restless..everything's went bad; swollen breast, crying amir who didn't want to be under the rays, bad food, bla bla....
actually me just being kecoh2, ordering n complaining this n that to hubby n end up amir n me can be discharged the next day....alhamdulillah...

Allah testing hubby n me again, amir had hernia! no wonder he cried a lot especially at night...
me as a first time mother didn't realized any change happened to his 'tooot' mom told me that is something wrong with amir's 'toot'....we bring amir to Jengka where a friend of my mom experienced in healing this kind of illness traditionally...this 'makcik' is actually a nurse in government hospital...she said, "kalau bawak hospital ni, mesti dr suh operate je.." what? syukur alhamdulillah, amir healed in no his age 9 months, we already did the 'putus ubat' thing!

still about amir, in my other blog i've storied about amir n hot a blink he already accidentally poured the hot water on his, he kinda traumatic when seeing hubby or me dealing with hot water! hopefully he really learnt!

irfan plak.... he also had jaundice but not up to the bilirubin level that he has to be warded, but for 3 consequence days, we have to bring him to hospital to check the bilirubin level...alhamdulillah,on the last day, the reading dropped to the save level.....the next day my BIL is going to be hitched! thank God we don't have to go to the hospital again!

this irfan boy, is rarely to get sick. alhamdulillah...maybe because of the exclusive BF...

besides fever, flu n hope for the best health of my boys!!!

everytime both of u got sick, i always said..."janganle demam sayang, bagi demam tu kat ayam...", pity that ayam! hehehehehehehehe....

*sekadar gambar hiasan- A & I sihat walafiat...aminnnn

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Muhammad Amir Asyraaf

I'd ben married to Mr HA on 31st july 2005...

after married, I (Mr HA doesn't really mind!) hope that i will get pregnant as soon as possible!

there are few reasons why i.e age, love kids, etc

everytime when my period came, i will be very upset n cry...after 3 months n 3 times period, i got pregnant! i remember it was a week after the first hari raya Mr HA n me celebrated aidil fitri as a married couple. i'm a week late n i never ever experienced that situation, n i know that i'm pregnant! but i have to make sure about that first... i bought the test kit just for RM7.50 (if not mistaken) from a small n unknown pharmacy. funny thing happened n ruined the test kit.hehehehehehe.... failed at my first attempt! malu!!! i bought the same test kit for the 2nd time, n did the test at my mom house...Mr HA waited outside the bathroom patiently. the result is +ve n I can't control myself doing my jump of joy n hug Mr HA...

Alhamdulillah, I'm lucky to be preggy woman without all the nauseous n bad morning sickness...everythings went well; the weight, the HB, the sugar level, BP-ok all the way...alhamdulillah..n i weighted 70 kilos!!! mcm tempayan!

during this time, ur abah was working with EOG which need him to work from 1o am to 10 pm n also *sighhhhh* weekends! he got off days on thursday n friday...sabar jelah!!! so, mommy always lepak at atuk's house at Taman Selamat....x sangka plak ada some people yang tak puas hati ( it mommy!!!)

one funny story happened during this pregancy! mommy ask abah to buy her burger...burger stall je, not McD kay! but abah just ignore it....ok, me being cool. i'm off to bed that nite leaving Mr HA watching TV. but i felt uncomfortable n hard to sleep - gelisah aje....i keep thinking about the burger...after a while, i can't stand it anymore n woke crying and said to Mr HA...

"abang, sayang nak burger" (nangis terisak-isak)....

"lah...ingatkan main2 je tadi?"....

what??? the time is almost 1 am....we round all over kuantan for the stall burger hunting, but not my luck we can't find any!we arrived home at about 3 am...kesian kan? Mr HA coaxed me by making me benjo.... the next day we go n buy what i really2 want n also buy all the stuffs to make burger at home...the patties, bun, salad, tomatoes, mayo, etc....

before i am even pregnant, Mr HA told me that he want to name his first son 'Amir'...

atuk plak suggest 'Hasrul Asyraf'...n the conclusion, Muhammad Amir Asyraaf

amir overdue 5 days...i don't know how is the contraction feels like. mixed feeling, bad dreams, eating disorder....

the first sign is, i bled a little, but no contraction..we went to Al Farabi (where we opt to deliver). dr check the route n it was just 1 cm. she told us to go back...

i stayed at my parents house since it's nearer to the hospital...the contraction started the next morning. when it become more frequent, my mom told me to walk around to ease the pain...we went to Taman Gelora. walk thru the jogging path-the contraction become more often. but still, i sempat bought a fresh orange!

at about noon i decide to go to the hospital...alhamdulillah it's already 3 cm...Dr kamarizan broke the water-the contraction became more painful...i don't know why they have to drip me...after having lunch, i 've been push to the labour room....if i'm not mistaken, the time is around 2 pm...

the funny part is, i don't know how to push...which part! i think i tried to push 18 times!!!! if i knew, no episiotomi has to be done...dah terpaksa potong sikit!!zassss....after that cutting and instruction from the med expert, i pushed and amir is out to the world at 2.50 pm.....the first thing that i saw on him is his testical...i got a boy!!(forgot to mention that we never knew the gender).....syukur!

amir got big eyes, lots of hair...n cried very loud!
mommy and abah pray for ur health n happiness...jadilah anak yang soleh n hambaNya yang bertakwa....amir kan clever n handsome boy mommy!!!!

Day One

Muhammad Irfan Iskandar

inspired by kak neeza who created blogs for all of her children...

too much want to telll about this little guy...

Muhammad Irfan Iskandar bin Hasrul Afendy- name that mommy n abah chose for u!why iskandar? his brother is amir. amir n iskandar both mean 'a leader'. mommy want both of my sons to be a good leader. mommy end up with 2 options whether irfan iskandar or imran iskandar. actually irfan compliment iskandar - takkan nak letak iskandar irfan kan?

irfan was born on 20th October 2007 / 8th syawal 1429H, 3 days earlier than the EDD. mommy n abah confirm the sex of urs just a week b4 u born. dr mokh from KMC (where we opt to deliver) told us when we make the first visit. alhamdulillah...tho i hope for a girl but another boy is not a prob for me!!! abang amir is getting a baby brother!!!

lucky me, got the chance to have all the raya delicacies (mostly!). even on the night before, mommy eat a lot of kuih raya at Nek Ngah's house. that time, i already felt a slight contractions. but still under control..

at 3 am, the repetitive contraction started...can't hardly sleep. after solat subuh. we went to ibu's house to send abang amir there. abang amir can't be leave with nenek because a kenduri will be held that night to discuss Ayah Ngah's wedding preparation. alhamdulillah, abang amir behaved..

lucky me also, our family doctor, ummi is there...ummi is the one who checked the contraction n tell me when is the right time to go to the hospital..

mommy checked in to KMC around 8.30 am...after the midwife check the route (check jalan?), it was already 4 cm!lalalalla....the contraction become more frequent....after Dr Mokh break the water, the contractions become more painful!!!arghhhhhhh...

u know what irfan, the pain to deliver u is more than ur brother because of ur position. u r in OP position where ur head is slightly 'mendongak'....tak reti dok molek2 ke sayang?? Dr mokh said that it's still not the time for u to come out...mommy has to mengiring in order for u to change ur position..

suddenly, i felt it's about time for u to see the world...the pain is unbearable!! hurrily the midwife call for Dr Mokh to come back....when he arrived, "Tengku, Tengku...saya ingat lambat lagi!!!, saya baru nak tulis kad patient dah kena naik atas balik..."....."betul Dr saya mmg rasa nak bersalin sangat dah ni..."

Alhamdulillah, my instinct is drip, no epidural, just a little help 'laughing gas'(which is not helping to ease the pain at all!)....a baby boy of mommy n abah came out to the world at 10.30 am....weighted 2.64 kg...

Mommy n abah wish n pray that u will be a healthy clever son n anak yang soleh. make us proud!

Day One!
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers