Wednesday, February 25, 2009


since amir n irfan came to my life, thing that's frighten me the most is they getting sick!!!

started with amir had jaundice as young as 3 days old. he weighted just 2.55 kg when he was born. babies eho are below 3 kg can easily get jaundice.
he has to be warded n make me confused n restless..everything's went bad; swollen breast, crying amir who didn't want to be under the rays, bad food, bla bla....
actually me just being kecoh2, ordering n complaining this n that to hubby n end up amir n me can be discharged the next day....alhamdulillah...

Allah testing hubby n me again, amir had hernia! no wonder he cried a lot especially at night...
me as a first time mother didn't realized any change happened to his 'tooot' mom told me that is something wrong with amir's 'toot'....we bring amir to Jengka where a friend of my mom experienced in healing this kind of illness traditionally...this 'makcik' is actually a nurse in government hospital...she said, "kalau bawak hospital ni, mesti dr suh operate je.." what? syukur alhamdulillah, amir healed in no his age 9 months, we already did the 'putus ubat' thing!

still about amir, in my other blog i've storied about amir n hot a blink he already accidentally poured the hot water on his, he kinda traumatic when seeing hubby or me dealing with hot water! hopefully he really learnt!

irfan plak.... he also had jaundice but not up to the bilirubin level that he has to be warded, but for 3 consequence days, we have to bring him to hospital to check the bilirubin level...alhamdulillah,on the last day, the reading dropped to the save level.....the next day my BIL is going to be hitched! thank God we don't have to go to the hospital again!

this irfan boy, is rarely to get sick. alhamdulillah...maybe because of the exclusive BF...

besides fever, flu n hope for the best health of my boys!!!

everytime both of u got sick, i always said..."janganle demam sayang, bagi demam tu kat ayam...", pity that ayam! hehehehehehehehe....

*sekadar gambar hiasan- A & I sihat walafiat...aminnnn

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